I'm pretty enthusiastic about old, monsterous creatures. So I'll be using this website as a place for me to record facts, images, and cool things that I can learn about them. This won't be a place for mythological sea creatures or any Lovecraftian monsters. The sea monsters on this website are those from old, naval cartography.

The idea for a website started from some previous research I did a while ago. I had a class assignment some time ago that asked me to explore a topic with ArcGIS Pro. Instead of looking at climate change or another serious topic, I chose to examine sea monsters.While I at first felt self-conscious to have chosen such a whimsical project, I genuinely enjoyed the assignment. My final project consisted of a set maps that identified the location of monsters, their relative size, and nearby shipping routes.

I would like to continue researching these creatures because there are several things I would still like to learn. There were many different questions and comparisons I had planned to include in my assignment that I didn't have enough time to explore.